
Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cupcakes

Growing up, I LOVED cereal. Between my brother and I, about 1 gallon of milk was used a day in our house between drinking & cereal. The downside however, was that my brother generally ate an entire box of cereal in one sitting. Some days he would go through every box of cereal we had – boys, am I right?

This made cereal a delicacy for me because I really only got to have when right after grocery shopping day. Once I got to college and realized the caf had an unlimited supply of all those sugary sweet cereals, it was hard not to eat it with every meal, every day.


So one day with my leftover Cinnamon Crunch I decided to turn them into a creation I could share with everyone and thus these delicious Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cupcakes were born!

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