
Snickers Cupcakes

We’ve been in our new apartment complex for 4 months now making this our first Halloween in the area. When they sent out an email about getting door hangers to welcome trick-or-treaters, I was so excited – my first year to hand out candy in my own apartment!

So naturally I went and picked up a door hanger & we bought candy to give to all the little monsters who came to visit on trick-or-treat night. Surprise! No one came.

This means we were left with multiple bags of snickers, three musketeers & twix that we (wanted to) definitely shouldn’t eat. As a result, we have snickers cupcakes!

These cupcakes are simple – just make your favorite chocolate cake recipe (even if it comes from a box) and whip up a batch of this super simple peanut nougat frosting & you’ve got yourself a treat worthy of Halloween leftovers.



Seriously, just look at them – they are messy and beautiful and irresistible. Of course the drizzled on chocolate doesn’t hurt either.

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